In September 2015, the University of Latvia opened the House of Nature. The total cost of the project was 36 million EUR with VAT. For the construction of the house, the University attracted funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the state.
The facade of the building is built with the principle of a double wall, but along the southwest wall of the building concrete blinds are placed, which serve as a natural thermoregulator, preventing the indoor spaces from heating up during the day, but keeping them warm during the dark hours of the day. Also, the building is equipped with "smart" light switches - sensors placed in the rooms are able to determine whether someone is in the room, and the lighting both turns on and off automatically. Vines are planted in the metal grid system along the outer wall of the building, which will change their color as they grow, and thus the color of the building's exterior facade, adapting to the seasonal changes in Latvian nature.

The House of Nature houses 116 study and research laboratories, equipped with furniture and technological equipment that meet modern requirements, including 78 Waldner product draft cabinets, which were installed for the first time in a Latvian higher education institution. Magnum, the home's largest auditorium, can accommodate up to 300 students. Also, the building has a reading room with 130 seats, several amphitheater-type auditoriums, and even individual work capsules, which allow you to isolate yourself from the surrounding environment in the fast pace of life in order to gather thoughts for new scientific discoveries. Finally, four greenhouses are located on the upper floor of the House of Nature, thus providing natural science students with all the necessary infrastructure for successful studies.
Thanks to the creation of the House of Nature, the University has been able to start optimizing infrastructure management costs. Several structural units and services that were previously located in various neighborhoods and buildings of Riga are concentrated in this building.
Lietderīgā platība, m2 | 18,5 tūkst. |
Auditoriju skaits | 30 |
Studentu laboratoriju skaits | 45 |
Zinātniski pētnieciskā darba laboratoriju skaits | 69 |
Kopējais investīciju apjoms, EUR (ar PVN) | 36 milj. |
Eiropas Reģionālās Attīstības fonda finansējums | 29 milj. |
Valsts budžeta finansējums | 2,3 milj. |
LU budžeta finansējums | 4,7 milj. |
UL House of Nature
Jelgavas iela 1
Riga, LV-1004
Student Information Centre | Room No. 224 Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences (FGES): zeme@lu.lv, Tel. (+371) 67033910 Faculty of Biology (FB), Faculty of Chemistry (FC): daba@lu.lv, Tel. (+371) 67033920 Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, Department of Optometry and Vision Science: optometrija@lu.lv, Tel. (+371) 67033940 |
Student Councils | Room No. 221, FGES Room No. 220, FB Room No. 219, FC |
Library of Natural Sciences For the students and academic staff of the University of Latvia library is available 24/7, for the guests on business days and Saturdays 8.00–22.00 | dabasbibl@lu.lv; Tel. (+371) 67033933, Tel. (+371) 22023096 |
Questions, suggestions to the caterer | jelgavasiela@daily.lv; Tel. (+371) 25618245 |
Excursions | |
Rent of premises | |
House manager | Room No. 231, |
Security | Tel. (+371) 67033930 |